First, the testing data must be interpolated and the basic time series must be built. 对经过预处理的测试数据进行三次样条插值,得到基本时间序列。
First, the traffic volume data of multiroadcrosssections acquired from a road network are turned into several time series data by the principal component analysis. 首先,整理分析路网中多个断面交通流量数据进行主成分分析,得到主成分数据序列;
At first, grey model is used to abstract trends from original data, and then AR or ARMA models for time series analysis are made to analyze the data after subtracting the trends. 先采用灰色建模或逐步回归方法,从数据中得到趋势项的数学模型,然后对剔除趋势项之后的数据进行时间序列分析,建立了AR模型或ARMA模型。
At first, this paper introduces some methods of restoring computation of runoff, data series rationality examination, and coherence analysis. 本文首先对目前各地采用较多的河川天然径流还原方法作简单论述,并介绍了系列合理性审查、一致性分析方法。
The technique is that the time-series data waiting for mining is first converted into sub-time-series data, and then the knowledge underlying in the sub-time-series data is used as a guide to mine the original time series and extract the association rules from them. 该技术先把待挖掘的时间序列转换成子时间序列数据,然后利用子时间序列所隐藏的知识,来指导对原时间序列的挖掘,从中提取模式或规则。
This paper discusses the application of time series analysis method in random road surface description. First, a road surface model of autoregressive is established for measuring data of tank road profile based on the time series analysis. 该文探讨时间序列分析方法在随机路面描述中的应用,对坦克行驶道路路面的实际测量值,应用时间序列分析的方法,建立了一个自回归(Autoregressive)模型。
The algorithm first parameterizes data point; then using the nature of the tensor product, surface of inverse problem will be resolved as a series of curves of inverse problem, namely, reverse closed surface and open surface of the control points. 该算法首先对数据点进行参数化;然后利用张量积曲面的性质,将曲面反算问题化解为一系列曲线反算问题,分别反求闭曲面和开曲面的控制点。
First, a rapid test system and data interpretation model are built to study the pre-processing of data and modeling method of time series. Based on these, on-line data interpretation algorithm is designed using time series data prediction. 首先建立了快速测试系统与数据判读模型,研究数据预处理与时间序列建模方法,在此基础上设计基于时间序列预测的数据在线判读算法,最后给出算法结果。
First, some kind of relationship between haze signal value and wafer surface roughness is proved, a correlation curve about it is created accordingly which data comes from series of testing. 首先证实了薄雾信号强度与晶圆表面粗糙度之间存在着一定的对应关系,并通过一系列的量测,得出了它们之间关联曲线。